
Do you want a penis as big as African's one?

Time left before the special is over

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Now it's possible!
  • Natural penis enlargement from 3 to 7 cm
  • Strong erection lasting up to 3 hours straight
  • 100% natural components
They didn't let us know about it for several centuries!

The scientists visited Tabuaeran island and met a tribe which revealed prenis enlargement secret.

In fact, Africans didn't always have huge penises. It all started about 300 years ago, when Tabuaeran island's men started applying special ointment made following a recipe of their shaman to their penises.

It didn't only help to make penis bigger, but also enhanced potency.

This tradition is still live. That's the men of this tribe have the largest penises in the world and are considered to be the best lovers.

The tribals know a thing or two about lovemaking
  • A standard sexual act between a man and a woman lasts from 2 to 4 hours straight.
  • A man can satisfy 3-4 women straight.
  • Average size of a penis of this tribe's man is 27.5 cm.
the epitome of traditions and modern technologies

When the scientists managed to get a recipe of a "magical" ointment, the managed to recreate and enhance the product for mass production. That's how HomoErectus appeared.

  • How does it work?

    Man's penis consists of numerous erectile tissues.

    When a man turns on, they become engorged with blood, that's why erection occurs. The more dense the erectile tissues are, the bigger is the man's penis. The more they engorge, the stroner erection will be.

  • HomoErectus

    penetrates into erectile tissues and contributes to fast regeneration of cells. The tissues elongate and stiffen, that's why the penis is growing. Due to engorgement of vessels, blood flow improves and makes erection stronger and longer lasting.

What's the secret of HomoErectus?

    Contributes to increased stamina and duration of intercourse, stimulates production of sperm.


    Helps to boost testosterone synthesis, improve erection and prevent impotence.


    Helps strengthen the walls of blood vessels and improve blood supply to the pelvic organs.


    Stimulates libido, reduces energy recovery time, and supports the urogenital system.


Increases testosterone production and makes erectile tissues and penis root more dense, due to this, it becomes not only longer, but also thicker.

Firsthand information
A scientists, one of creators of HomoErectus

We have been studying the phenomena of African men's genital system and the reasons why their penises are much bigger comparing with the world standards. Finally, we managed to find an uncontacted African tribe and learn a recipe for penis enlargement and healthy potency from them.

Before we started working on HomoErectus, we made a lot of tests which proved efficiency of interaction of natural components. We added one more important component. That's how HomoErectus appeared - the first natural and safe treatment for penis enlargement and erection enhancement.

Soon, every man will be able to make his penis as big as African's
According to the latest HomoErectus research, the men aged from 20 to 60 enjoy great results.
  • 37 Filipino men tested HomoErectus Each of them noted that penis became from 3 to 5 cm bigger.

  • Erectile function restored in 87% of test persons due to HomoErectus. Average duration of the first sexual act was 40 minutes.

They have already tried out HomoErectus and share the results:
    To be honest, I didn't believe it would work out! Me and my friend ordered it just for fun. His penis grew 3 cm longer, mine - 5 cm longer! I didn't know that the size is SO important for woman! Now it's not me who called back after sex, it's the women! So great!
    If you need amazing sex, HomoErectus is cool stuff! Erection lasts FOR HOURS! If you use it regularly, you can even control your orgasm. As for enlargement, my penis was already quite long - 19 cm - but it really grew 2 cm longer. The nature knows when it's time to stop.
    I had problems with girls because of a small penis size. I was on the edge of getting operated, but decided to try HomoErectus first. My penis grew 4 cm longer in a mongth. It's a lot for me! Now I have average penis size!